Friday, 16 September 2011

Soft fingernails

To combat your soft fingernails, learn what causes them! Know all about your nails and what caused your soft fingernails! It must have been troublesome applying strengtheners but have you been really taking care of them? Find out what went wrong!

Too many of use look at our nails like built-in tools. If they were, then why were actual tools needed? Oh unscrew that little screw on your spectacles, you use your nails. Open the stubborn lid of that bottle of jam, you still use your nails! However, what most people do not know, our nails should never be used to do such things. This is the main reason why people have weak nails is because after prolonged periods of exposing your nails to such activities, they weaken and that leaves them vulnerable to injury. Sometimes, when the damage is bad enough, it can pave way for infection, leading to nail fungus.

We often neglect our nails as they seem inferior and useless when you compare them to other parts of our body like the skin or the heart. Many do not even know that our fingernails have to be in the tip top condition for it to carry out the duties of our fingernails as part of our bodies. They're protective layers of our fingertips, and are actually responsible for increasing and helping in our sense of touch, and also improve our ability to pick up and manipulate small objects. These are really good reasons to why taking care of your soft fingernails are important already, aren't they?

Keratin, causes our nails to be strong, just like it does for our hair and skin. Our nail grows at a very slow speed at only 0.1 millimetre a day. With that, we should stop biting our nails as it is a very bad habit. When you bite your nail every time it grows, you actually bite more than what grew and you hurt the bed of your nails. Your body and mind actually accustomed to that causing your nails to become unable to grow. In addition, the nail area can contain a lot of bacteria. When you bite them, you are actually consuming these bacteria that could cause harmful effects on your body.

Something that most people do not know as well is that our soft fingernails can tell us what is going on in the rest of our bodies! Most of the time, a change in colour or quality in our nails can mean a onset of disease. For example, thick and yellow nails can indicate a problem with the thyroid, lymphatic system or respiratory system. White horizontal lines, also known as Mee's lines, on the other hand can occur due to heart attack, kidney failure, Hodgkin's disease or sickle cell disease.